19 August 2021

suffering-focused population ethics (term paper)

During my first semester of studying philosophy at the University of Zurich, I attended a seminar titled "Ethics of the Future", which was run by Stefan Riedener. He introduced us to many fascinating and important topics, including Derek Parfit's pioneering work on population ethics. I decided to write a term paper on the Repugnant Conclusion from a suffering-focused perspective during the subsequent semester.

Please note that considerations re moral uncertainty and cooperation (among other things) keep me from embracing courses of action that the vast majority of my contemporaries deem extremely immoral.

If it had not been for David Pearce's comment that "it deserves to be a public resource on the Net so it can be linked/cited", I would be (even) more hesitant on sharing this publicly, but here go you.

resources on animal ethics and helping animals

< < < see this post on the EA Forum here > > >

This (<--) is a compilation of resources on animal ethics and helping animals that I would have loved to receive when I started asking myself how I could get an overview on crucial considerations regarding animal ethics and how I could better help animals.

table of contents:

  • recommended sources for recommended resources
    • some writers
    • some websites
    • some YouTubers
    • some other YouTube channels
    • some YouTube playlists
    • Magnus Vinding’s mini books
    • Sentience Institute podcast episodes
    • 80,000 Hours podcast episodes
    • some further compilations of resources
  • other recommended resources, sorted by topic
    • animal ethics in general, speciesism and carnism in particular
    • animal consciousness, sentience, and cognition
    • factory farming
      • factory farming in general
      • situation of farmed animals in Switzerland
      • direct suffering entailed in various animal products
    • wild animal suffering
    • strategic considerations for the near-term future
    • strategic considerations for the mid-term future
    • strategic considerations for the long-term future
    • discussion of potentially sophisticated arguments against veg*anism
    • works of fiction
    • extreme suffering
I intend to keep adding more resources (on various topics and from various sources) to this compilation (and to maybe improve its format) from time to time.
Comments (including proposals for additional resources) are very welcome!

powerful quotes I keep contemplating

last updated: 7 January 2023 The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer? ~ Jeremy Bentham (in An Introdu...